Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Life moves forward...

We are 8 months into our year of waiting. And it seems we are always waiting for something... What value is there to waiting or for trials? Tonight I started reading the book "When Life is Hard" by James MacDonald.

      "It may be hard to see them right now, but God does have some plans for you - plans for how to use this
      pain you're enduring. Jeremiah 29:11 says "He knows the plans He has for you, plans to give you a
      future and a hope."  Yes! That's what I want to hear, you may be thinking. Let's get on with those plans
      right now - future, hope, blessing. I'm ready!

      But here's the thing: God knows something else. He knows that we're not always ready for the plans that
      He has for us. So He has some plans to get us ready for His plans. That's really what this book is about -
      taking the difficult things that God allows into your life, and getting to the place where the blessing can be

Wow. How convicting. Looking back that is exactly what God has been doing through this... Is it hard? Yes. Does it hurt? Yes. Is God faithful through it? Yes. 

For those of you who haven't heard, we just started the process of adoption. Why and how did this happen? After the second miscarriage we begun to think of adopting a child. However, since we got pregnant a month and after that, we thought the Lord was saying no. Then we lost Eve. For months we have prayed over this decision. So after much prayer and more prayer and even more prayer... The Lord lead us to read this:

         "We don't adopt just because we desire to have a child... We adopt because our hearts break for the
          millions of children worldwide who have no family to love them. We adopt because God first adopted
          us.If you're reading this, and you say you love Jesus, spread the word, Christians must be doing at least
          one of the following two: adopting a child, or supporting those who are. Not once. Not twice. But as
          long as you live."  Josh Waulk

For us, this means we have been called to adopt. I wish I could explain how the miscarriages played such a huge part in this, but not yet. But, we know it's the work of God. Some of you may be wondering, what does this mean for trying to get pregnant? Well, Lord willing come September we will also try again to get pregnant. It is up to God whom He brings us to parent and when.

This will not and cannot replace the children we lost, but even in that we are learning to glorify Him. We are learning hard lessons, but we are learning how to see Him ever more clearly.

As always we covet your prayers.