Saturday, September 25, 2010

Another Dr. appt.

Thursday I received a call from the OB.  They would like to meet with Robert & I to discuss the test results for the analysis of the placenta tissue from the most recent miscarriage.  I asked them if they found anything to which they gave the typical evasive Dr. response, "I'd rather talk in person."  She also mentioned that we were going to discuss the game plan and the next step (blood work, etc).  When we went last week there was a game plan already in motion, and the Dr. said we would get a call about the results. I was caught off-guard by having to make another appointment with the OB. Every time we hear from or visit the Dr., there are so many difficult emotions I have to deal with.

This is where my theology of who I know God to be meets the challenges of life.  My two choices are either fight the will of God or accept this is His perfect plan for us.  Robert told me today that this trial has been specifically picked for us because God knows that this trial will bring Him the most glory through us.  I feel like the psalmist in Psalm 131:2, "...I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me."  Obviously, our path is not the one I would've chosen, but I am learning to trust that His will is perfect because we serve a God who knows infinitely more than we could ever possibly imagine.

Please pray that God will guard our minds with the truth of His word; we will willing accept whatever the results are from the OB; and finally that we will be able to bring Glory to God through whatever is next. Our  appointment is Tuesday afternoon.

We so appreciate your love and support!


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