Thursday, October 7, 2010

A bit of good news

Yesterday Nurse Dee called. My BETA hormone/pregnancy hormone is down! When I miscarried the level was around 8,000. My blood test from last week shows that the level is down to 4. A woman who isn't pregnant has the BETA level of 0. Provided that the BETA hormone is less than 4 in the next test, I will be allowed to have blood test monthly instead of weekly.

They also withdrew some blood to see if there is a cause for the other miscarriages. They withdrew 13 vials of blood! Fortunately this is a one time test, and Robert was with me. Our biggest prayer request is if they do find the cause within the blood test, it will be treatable. I'm hoping to hear from Nurse Dee by early next week. She has been really wonderful about calling me with information as soon as possible. We are learning to trust God moment by moment to sustain us.

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